Punica Granatum
Aside from the simplicity of the image’s execution and subject matter, it became the selected image as it reminds people of an image created by a famous photographer, Edward Weston.
Historically, pomegranates were often considered a symbol of prosperity and ambition in the Ancient Egyptian era. This fabled fruit represents different items throughout other cultures; fertility is another example.
While specific ideas may come forth of what the initial object may be, such as a volcano, broken pieces of rust, moon craters, a human nipple or, more specifically, a female nipple. From this image of a nipple, a more profound meaning can be established.
This meaning can include individual ambitions to enhance their body through plastic surgery and look for perfection. Other definitions or issues this image can establish include arguments such as mothers who breastfeed in public and social media handling censorship of such imagery and the widespread censorship of the female nipple over social media platforms compared to the male nipple.
Consequently, while the image may lend itself to a deeper analysis of gender and societal issues and arguments, the picture has no overall meaning. Therefore, it remains slightly ambiguous to the audience, allowing them to create any interpretation in their minds of this simple everyday object.
Visual influencers include Edward Weston, Olive Cotton, and Emmanuel Radnitzky (aka Man Ray).
© 2017